Friday, January 28, 2011

Why the hell she can't talk?

If you pay 5000 php for a convention and your speaker couldn't deliver a single word but "aahm" and "uhmm"
If you wake up as early as 5am, drive fast while praying not to hit the traffic, so not to miss the 1st speaker who couldn't explain what she's doing and ended up sitting in front of you murmuring with her laptop
If you missed your kid's family day for a speaker you thought would send innovation on your artwork but ended up having you asked yourself, "what the effin ell is goin on?" 
Yes, she can shoot. She can draw using photoshop. Actually she does everything good, i mean exceptional when it comes to these things... until she said "Sorry Im NERBYUS <nervous>"
She couldn't conversed using English language and even if she was forced to, because foreign speakers are there to observed too, words were not coming out right. Out of respect she really had no choice but to make herself understood by all of them so not to make them feel like they're in outer space or another universe but as she struggles,  all we hear was humming. 
I don't think she's ready for public speaking, yet. 
Grammar is not actually the outmost priority, simple tense is okay. Things like this can be learned overnight.We are not in English proficiency program anyway. Communication skill doesn't end in how proficient you deliver but it also goes hand in hand with how efficient you are when you do the talking. She could have made it fun and educational if she used slides or powerpoint presentation, for a support. But since everything was done without preparation, the fun was on her. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

3 decades and 1 year

And I'm still looking for the best definition of the word "me". I searched around, ran and fell down  my knees, and along the way, I didn't discover what is "me" but something made me see what I can become. 

Hence, the best part of not knowing yourself is being able to realize your unending possibilities. When you delimit yourself, you are condemning yourself of a lifetime agony.

Socrates is right, fools are those who claim that they already know everything.   

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Hate Parties.

I know you would ask W-H-Y, the same question I've been hearing a lot every time I say I am not so into P-A-R-T-Y. Contrary to what others think, for me some Party spell P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E and not FUN <except of course those of my love ones>! 

First, It's a pain in the neck to think of what to give to the celebrator specially when you don't know them personally and you were just invited because "they ought to". Then here you are to hurt your feet roaming the mall to look around for the not-so-expensive-but-make-it-sure-its-decent-enough-for-them-to-appreciate-gifts because of the same reason that, "You are ought to" and that you don't want to feel the guilt of coming over for buffet without something to give back. Yes, I love shopping. But gift-buying is a different story. You are buying things that aren't for you using your own money. Isn't it distressing to lose a cent and sore your feet at the same time? Though some are brilliant enough to think of GIFT REGISTRY and make things convenient both for them and their guests, I still can't sense any FUN out of it and even if they make it easier by doing it online, it's still  sickening when you are spending your time and your money to please someone who you don't even know their surname. 

Though I like to dress up, flaunt some of fab outfits once in a while, some parties  are not the always perfect venue to do it as what I always thought. Because some people make their party a little like hell by imposing what to wear on the event! Some has to be formal which is okay and sometime tolerable while some require you to wear bikini, for their Hawaiian theme party. Eeew! I remember being too excited to attend a friend's wedding but ended up not showing up because the bride requires their guests to wear "something that is sunny orange". What the F?! Though the party is for them to enjoy and for us to see that enjoyment, I think, it wouldn't be too much if the host will let the guests enjoy too by letting them choose the clothes they are comfortable to wear. Don't you think too?

I still have few reasons left to say and Imma say it on my next blog or so because I need to go out right now to buy "white nice dress"  for a friend's wedding on Sunday. 

See how it occupies my time?! Aaargh. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It isn't bad to make a B-day wish list.

Photo Credits:

Specially if you're not forcing anyone to make your wish come true. 
But if somebody will do the effort all by himself, out of the goodness of his heart, then it really isn't bad to add another wish on your list, after all.
 Whoever you will be, Thank you in advance. :D

Friday, January 14, 2011

Never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.

     If there's one book that has influenced me a lot during my younger years, it's Sharon Creech' novel WALK TWO MOONS. A novel about fear, death, travel, wisdom and hope. 

    Unlike other bloggers who enumerate, and just for the sole reason that I wanna be different, I won't include bullets or numbers to dissect the novel for you. I don't see the need to list down the reasons why this book got me hooked, for that would sound <or read> very subjective and very typical, but what I'd like to do is to share some of my favorite quotes from the novel that lingered and gotten me into sleepless nights figuring out if Heaven and Hell exist. Kiddin! I just wanna sound smart and profound. Hehehe.  

Here it goes: Creech' quotes <and my personal opinion about it
  •  Never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.
This is quite true for no one is in the right position to judge a man unless he has traveled the same road, experience the same pain, hatred, joy, and failure. But come to think of it, is there such a thing as going thru the same path? Two travels or journey of two different people could be physically the same, but I don't believe that the existence of total, exact and similar situations of two different people can be possible. No experience is alike. As every man is unique, and so are the issues they are going through. Two persons may have the same series of misfortunes, but never the same level of hardships, intensity of pain or ordeal. Because they both have  different perspective, different biases,  different values and different predicaments. Thus injecting the idea, that even if we have walked two moons in his mocassins, NO ONE REALLY IS RIGHTFUL TO JUDGE. Well, that is just how I see it.
  • Everyone has their own agenda.
Men are like weather, dangerous when they are unpredictable but always manageable. You don't have to be an expert to be able to read people's mind or be a genius to read between the lines. Just by being conscious enough about the reality that every man has his intention and own agenda for their very own survival, then you are equipped to fight with a lesser chance of defeat in the biggest battlefield ~ life. Similar to Sun Tzu's The Art of War... knowing thy enemies. 
  • In the course of a life time, what does it matter?
What does it matter that really matters? Is there such a thing that really matters? In this course of a lifetime when everything is bound to end, are there things worthy of one's unending love and affection? Everything is temporal and nothing lasts more than a lifetime. In that case, it doesn't matter if it matters or not. 
  • You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair. 
If you choose to be happy, then you will be, otherwise sadness sets in. If sadness is inevitable, happiness is always a choice. Choose to be happy then you won't feel sad. Dwell on to your sadness, then happiness disappears. One should create his own destiny. He is his own designer of his universe, if he decides to create a lonely world then he submits to what is inevitable. But he still has a choice to decide to be happy in spite of the inevitable existence of miseries. 
  • We never know the worth of the water until the well is dry. 
It is always true that we only realize one's value when its gone, but there is no room for regrets, only lessons learned. What is important now is to know what do we do next after we realized how worthy the water is,  now that it is already gone. Are we gonna run on the faucet? Or find another well? There is no point of crying over spilled milk like what my grandma always say. What has been done is done. Your next step makes the difference. 

      Creech's ideas though differ from what I believe made me think and realize about several things I never thought I would ever figured out. Had I not read this book, I would have gotten myself doomed and busted reading those "romance-is-nothing-but-fiction-plus-horror-pocketbooks". Eeeck!

I'm not sure if you'd gonna like ithese too <who cares anyway huh, i just wanna have something on my blog!> But if along the way, you have found something essential to your survival then good for you and for the history of mankind, hooray, hope we can both save the world! Hahaha. Don't expect any "life changing" idea as I don't expect you to find something "metaphysical" on what you have just read but I do hope you'll find something vital on this post. Like something that is worth FB sharing or reTweet~ing. If not, at least U had fun reading this. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A long and lasting Dopamine err love.

Can something beautiful like this lasts forever?
Admit it or not, we get excited <apart from traditionalist> every time we experience profoundness and innovation. We couldn't help but feel happy when something new comes our way. Researchers say DOPAMINE or the happy juices in our brain, rises when we are expose to things like this. But happiness and excitement soon fade as the novelty disappears.

I begin to see now why couples happy moments never last long. Because while days pass by, happy juices fade thus leading some to feel unhappy, unemotional, and frigid... not unless they find something new to release the happy chemicals again. Lucky enough if they both find this new things appealing to them, together. They can maintain the happiness, otherwise, the relationship is ended. 

Now we can explain what we call "a sudden change of heart". I mean brain juices. When people got weary quickly, got fed up easily, you know that this "happy juice" has dried up and all gone.

A cue for "the end"? 


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life is not all about candies and chocolates.

Sweet Fact of Life
It's not everyday that what you eat always tastes sweet. Life offers a bunch of shit too, no matter how hard we try to refuse to see it, but its damn happening, right in front of our face. And that is why we get into trouble a lot. We choose to keep blind folded rather than accept the mess we have dragged ourselves into and do something to get out of it.

Wake up, we don't live in a world where furrysaurs talk and walk with turtledoves. Gone are those days of friendly spiders and loving Panda bears. They do bite. Like reality. Blame the fairy tales and happy ending schemes we are told about when we were younger.  Life is taught distortedly. There is no prince charming. But beast is quite true. The wicked are everywhere but no fairy god mother is always ready to help you get thru with your plight. Wickedness is not always evil and goodness is never directly proportional to happiness. 

The belief in goodness beating the evil is quite interesting.  All this hustle and bustle makes us feel exhilarated, diluting the chance of our unhappiness. And so when things don't come our way n spite of being too good and when we are not rewarded accordingly as we expect it to be, we tend to annihilate goodness and gradually turn ourselves otherwise. There goes the start of chaos. And how we see life begins to turn upside down. People start to rebel. To fight against injustice but never work on for equality. People compete against each other and continuously struggle for self preservation because of the hope for the "and they so live happily ever after" notion. After all the ballyhoo, the fairy tale was a flop. Negating its purpose. 

Good stories do not always inspire people. Sometimes, the worst nightmare being shared uplifts the soul making it vulnerable and equipped for what is to be expected when the night falls.

Life is sweet when it is not sugarcoated. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sorry to bring the bad news.

When you know you're smart...
Sorry to bring the bad news but you're less of a thinker.

When you know you're pretty...
Sorry to bring the bad news but you just lost your charm and appeal.

When you know you're strong, 
Sorry to bring the bad news but I have found your weakness.

When you know that you know everything. 
Sorry to bring the bad news but you are unreliable. 

Because there are things that you are not aware of yet.
Like your big ego and overindulgence.

and that makes you not knowing it all, 
sorry to have brought you the bad news.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Don't be too unfair to disregard what I feel just bcuz U feel that way.

You don't live alone. And if my existence brings meaning to your existence, then be sensitive enough to notice and appreciate my reality. We are not in realm of dreams. This is our life where words are not only words. They are like bombs. They sure don't have souls but they can cause great and irreparable harm to each one of us.

If you can't be considerate, at least be careful with whatever comes out your mouth. It may not smell awful, but it sounds very unhealthy. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year can't change me.

When I was a kid, no fad was as apparent as writing your new years resolution right after celebrating the 1st day of the new year. I remember being told that those have importance in making your new year a good  one. And because I am stubborn and skeptic, by nature. <I know I am accurate as my mom has been very honest about this ever since>. I didn't write resolutions or even contemplated to think of any. And now that I am older and I think wiser, I carried on the tradition of breaking the rules of mob! For me, it always feels convenient to be unorganized rather than worried to be organized.

Annual resolution for me, is nothing but an apathetic solution to a "changed you" specially when you do it only to flaunt a fake intention of doing something or of not doing a thing. I don't mean to be a party popper. If you're determined to enumerate the things you want to be done for this new year, do so. Just don't ask me if I have any. I will probably yell at you!

Happy 2011 Guys! Be you!