Friday, December 31, 2010

What's Inside My Head?

Oh, you're not on Facebook page and I am not trying to think of another sometimes-mind-blowing-and-most-of the-time-too-boring status updates. 

I am blogging, people. And its 3 in the morning! Guess I'm having this midnight insight. I suddenly have this philosophical revelation going inside my head in the middle of the night that I think I need to document until I bore myself to sleep. Wow. *drum rolls* PHILOSOPHICAL REVELATION. Hahaha! Don't take me so seriously, all I really want to say is, Gosh! I think I'm insane! Lemme put my insanity into words :D 

This Blog.
If this is how to start a blog, then I am doing the right thing. Otherwise consider this as a documentation of the so called random thoughts of consciously unorganized blogger wanna be. I will try my best to make this short life easy for my readers as I will translate my blog title to the universal language we all recognize <except for non-english speaker err readers>. You read it as <watashi no> ATAMA NO NAKA NI. Which literally means, INSIDE MY HEAD. But my best won't be that good enough to enumerate what's inside of it <if it has any> at one, hence you just decide to follow this blog religiously <if u want> to know how random I can get. I chose to use Nihongo for a title not only because I speak, write and read the language <not to mention I love it>. The pressure of having a unique eye catching title did the work. I hope it did. 

The Blogger.
Because I am blogging, is it safe to say that I can be called a Blogger? Someone who dances gracefully is a dancer, one who sings very well is a singer. Those who write systematically are writers. One who does the cooking is a chef and not a cooker.  Can you call me a joker for that? That was a joke just in case you didn't notice. <Okay, it's your cue to laugh

People are tagged with labels based on not what they do but merely on how good they are on what they're doing. We categorized people based on a general criteria ~prejudice! How pathetic our mind can get when we set universal rules and limit our language, thus ending up compressing our abilities to analyze and  to expand our analytical potencies, diluting the opportunities of others to be at their best. We are by nature organized, in judgment. We put labels, we put sections, we put people in the box according to, well again, our own biases. 

So to those people who don't see me as an effective blogger, then I am not. It's not of a big deal, you can call me GORGEOUS instead. 


My name if I were a Japanese would be Hanna Yamaguchi. <Hanna-flower, Yama-Mountain Guchi-Opening>. For the reason that I want my name to be as eye catching and as intriguing as a blog title should be. Its very seldom you can find a flower on the crater, though I am not accurate about this but my common sense tells that no living things can exist on such high temp. I haven't googled about it so don't take my words for it. But if there is, its sure Rare, wild and Unbelievable. Very Me. 

Yes, I am not a Japanese. And let me add that I am not even of a Japanoid, oh please! 

There's a mile difference between not being a Japanese and not of a Japanoid. 
1. All Japanoids are Non-Japanese, definitely. 
2. Some Non-Japanese are Japanoids.
3. Following that chain of logic, we can have the conclusion that Not all Non-Japanese are Japanoids. 

I'm a proud Pinay who just happens to have Jpop as my first love! And though I fell too much for it, I'm still aware that I can't allow myself to look, dress, act ridiculous just to fit in the culture. I'm in love and fascinated. But not desperate to lose myself into its kiss. 

Welcome to my world!
I really don't know how to make a good introduction. I'm not of a good seller who can sell merchandize using only few words. I am not an expert. Or the smooth talker as they say. What I am is what you can read in this blog.  No pretensions guaranteed. I won't try to be cool to keep you coming back, it won't be me anymore if I do so. Not because I am un-cool kind of a person. But only because, I hate trying. I haven't tried trying. 

Welcome to this piece of thing you may call whatever you want. If this is not a blog for you, damn I care! 

So, welcome to my world. Enter at your own risks. Mata!