Friday, January 14, 2011

Never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.

     If there's one book that has influenced me a lot during my younger years, it's Sharon Creech' novel WALK TWO MOONS. A novel about fear, death, travel, wisdom and hope. 

    Unlike other bloggers who enumerate, and just for the sole reason that I wanna be different, I won't include bullets or numbers to dissect the novel for you. I don't see the need to list down the reasons why this book got me hooked, for that would sound <or read> very subjective and very typical, but what I'd like to do is to share some of my favorite quotes from the novel that lingered and gotten me into sleepless nights figuring out if Heaven and Hell exist. Kiddin! I just wanna sound smart and profound. Hehehe.  

Here it goes: Creech' quotes <and my personal opinion about it
  •  Never judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.
This is quite true for no one is in the right position to judge a man unless he has traveled the same road, experience the same pain, hatred, joy, and failure. But come to think of it, is there such a thing as going thru the same path? Two travels or journey of two different people could be physically the same, but I don't believe that the existence of total, exact and similar situations of two different people can be possible. No experience is alike. As every man is unique, and so are the issues they are going through. Two persons may have the same series of misfortunes, but never the same level of hardships, intensity of pain or ordeal. Because they both have  different perspective, different biases,  different values and different predicaments. Thus injecting the idea, that even if we have walked two moons in his mocassins, NO ONE REALLY IS RIGHTFUL TO JUDGE. Well, that is just how I see it.
  • Everyone has their own agenda.
Men are like weather, dangerous when they are unpredictable but always manageable. You don't have to be an expert to be able to read people's mind or be a genius to read between the lines. Just by being conscious enough about the reality that every man has his intention and own agenda for their very own survival, then you are equipped to fight with a lesser chance of defeat in the biggest battlefield ~ life. Similar to Sun Tzu's The Art of War... knowing thy enemies. 
  • In the course of a life time, what does it matter?
What does it matter that really matters? Is there such a thing that really matters? In this course of a lifetime when everything is bound to end, are there things worthy of one's unending love and affection? Everything is temporal and nothing lasts more than a lifetime. In that case, it doesn't matter if it matters or not. 
  • You can't keep the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from nesting in your hair. 
If you choose to be happy, then you will be, otherwise sadness sets in. If sadness is inevitable, happiness is always a choice. Choose to be happy then you won't feel sad. Dwell on to your sadness, then happiness disappears. One should create his own destiny. He is his own designer of his universe, if he decides to create a lonely world then he submits to what is inevitable. But he still has a choice to decide to be happy in spite of the inevitable existence of miseries. 
  • We never know the worth of the water until the well is dry. 
It is always true that we only realize one's value when its gone, but there is no room for regrets, only lessons learned. What is important now is to know what do we do next after we realized how worthy the water is,  now that it is already gone. Are we gonna run on the faucet? Or find another well? There is no point of crying over spilled milk like what my grandma always say. What has been done is done. Your next step makes the difference. 

      Creech's ideas though differ from what I believe made me think and realize about several things I never thought I would ever figured out. Had I not read this book, I would have gotten myself doomed and busted reading those "romance-is-nothing-but-fiction-plus-horror-pocketbooks". Eeeck!

I'm not sure if you'd gonna like ithese too <who cares anyway huh, i just wanna have something on my blog!> But if along the way, you have found something essential to your survival then good for you and for the history of mankind, hooray, hope we can both save the world! Hahaha. Don't expect any "life changing" idea as I don't expect you to find something "metaphysical" on what you have just read but I do hope you'll find something vital on this post. Like something that is worth FB sharing or reTweet~ing. If not, at least U had fun reading this. 

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