If you pay 5000 php for a convention and your speaker couldn't deliver a single word but "aahm" and "uhmm"
If you wake up as early as 5am, drive fast while praying not to hit the traffic, so not to miss the 1st speaker who couldn't explain what she's doing and ended up sitting in front of you murmuring with her laptop
If you missed your kid's family day for a speaker you thought would send innovation on your artwork but ended up having you asked yourself, "what the effin ell is goin on?"
Yes, she can shoot. She can draw using photoshop. Actually she does everything good, i mean exceptional when it comes to these things... until she said "Sorry Im NERBYUS <nervous>"
She couldn't conversed using English language and even if she was forced to, because foreign speakers are there to observed too, words were not coming out right. Out of respect she really had no choice but to make herself understood by all of them so not to make them feel like they're in outer space or another universe but as she struggles, all we hear was humming.
I don't think she's ready for public speaking, yet.
Grammar is not actually the outmost priority, simple tense is okay. Things like this can be learned overnight.We are not in English proficiency program anyway. Communication skill doesn't end in how proficient you deliver but it also goes hand in hand with how efficient you are when you do the talking. She could have made it fun and educational if she used slides or powerpoint presentation, for a support. But since everything was done without preparation, the fun was on her.